
11th IALE World Congress – 2023: Call for abstract

BioValue will host a session entitled “How to unlock the transformative potential of multilevel and integrative landscape approaches” and focused on the sub-theme “Drivers of landscape change and sustainability at multiple scales”.

The 11th International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) World Congress – 2023 will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 10th – 15th, July 2023.

The IALE World Congress occurs every four years and is the premier event for landscape ecologists worldwide to address topics in landscape ecology that range from local to global in scale. During the World Congress, landscape ecologists from public, private, and non-profit sectors will address various environmental challenges and their potential solutions.

The World Congress will be a hybrid event and will include plenaries, symposium, oral sessions, poster sessions, and field trips.

How to unlock the transformative potential of multilevel and integrative landscape approaches” session

Transformative change has been widely recognised as the paradigm shift needed to tackle the multiple crises we currently face as humanity. Despite its importance, the growing body of literature, and the urgent calls from the international community, it is still blurry how we could enable, accelerate or achieve cross-sectoral transformations. Landscapes-related decisions are characterised by multilevel processes that emerge from the interaction between multiple actors, processes, and institutions, from local to global levels. This makes them critical arenas for action where strategies to leverage transformative potential can be explored and agents of change enabled. In this session, we want to invite the IALE community to engage in a dynamic and open discussion on how to navigate, nudge and nurture transformative change from a landscape perspective.

We want to explore questions such as: what kind of knowledge is needed to design strategic interventions towards transformations at the landscape level, how spaces can be created for delivering just transformations, as well as which actors, instruments and governance modes are required in order to achieve the future that we want (based on Wittmer et al. 2021). For the purpose of the discussion and acknowledging that there are definitions from different disciplines, we will use the IPBES GA definition that states that transformative change is “a fundamental, system-wide reorganisation across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigm, goals and values” (Diaz et al. 2019). As an example to stimulate the discussion, the Horizon Europe project BioValue project will be introduced.

This panel include 3 invited presentations plus open contributions from a broad range of theoretical, methodological approaches and empirical focus, as well as based on a review of existing evidence within and beyond Europe. The contributors will also be invited to collaborate on a joint scientific article as an outcome of the session.

Submit a 250-word abstract for paper and/or poster presentation by 15th March 2023


Image credits: IndustryAndTravel from Adobe Stock; IALE 2023

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